Want to defeat WhatsApp's single forward restrictions?

UPDATE - WhatsApp has since closed this gap :)


WhatsApp, Facebook's wildly popular Instant Messaging platform, in it's battle to slow 'fake news' has restricted the number of times content can be forwarded on it's platform to 5 persons/groups. In extreme circumstances, described as a piece of media getting 5 forwards away from it's originator, the app will reduce that restriction to just one. 

So if you want to forward that juicy must-see media content, you have to go through the painful process of forwarding individually to each person 😭

Or you can use a WhatsApp 'share' feature instead. 🙄


Suddenly WhatsApp doesn't recognize this 'new' media and you are back to your original limits.

Of course, I'm not encouraging you to spread propoganda and other malicious content, just highlighting a funny oversight.

Curtis Greaves