Why am I learning Hydraulic Engineering?
OK, so learning may be a bit of a strong word, but over the last few weeks I've committed to learning something new every day. But the twist in this personal assignment is that it should be in a field totally alien to my day to day career.
So why would I spend hours in the pursuit of knowledge that really has no financial payoff at the end? Simple, it helps me to relate to the persons around me.Not that I am suddenly a civil engineer with a focus on Hydraulics (this was last week's topic provided by Practical Engineering), but it keeps me humble enough to recognize that the best solutions to our problems arise from collaboration with a cross section of views and expertise.
The COVID19 pandemic has presented numerous challenges but also a number of opportunities. Using my 'glass half full' approach to life, I take on the day for what it is, my reality at this moment in time. I implore you to emerge from this period a better version of yourself.