Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 3rd Edition
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 3rd Edition
John W. Creswell is a Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He teaches courses on mixed methods research, qualitative inquiry, and general research design. In these three areas, he has authored numerous scholarly journal articles, book chapters and books. He is currently working on his 22nd book (including new editions), and his books are translated into many languages around the world. At Nebraska he founded the Office of Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research and has held the Clifton Endowed Chair. He also co-founded the SAGE journal, the Journal of Mixed Methods Research, and has been a popular speaker on mixed methods and qualitative research in the US and abroad. As an applied research methodologist, he served as an Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Michigan and as a consultant for the VA health services research unit in Ann Arbor, Michigan. As a methodologist, he helped to design the methods for a number of successful NIH and NSF projects. He has been a Senior Fulbright Specialist scholar to both South Africa (2008) and Thailand (2012) lecturing on qualitative and mixed methods approaches to research. Recently, he served as a co-leader of a national working group developing “best practices” for mixed methods research at the National Institutes of Health in the US. Visit him at his Web site:
Paperback: 296 pages
Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc; 3rd edition (July 15, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1412965578
ISBN-13: 978-1412965576
Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.8 x 10 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds